Don’t Linger Too Long premiered as part of Vision, Faith, & Desire: Dancemakers Inspired by Martha Graham on September 27 & 28, 2013 at the Ruth Page Center in Chicago and was received with great audience and critical acclaim.
We began work on the dance in the fall of 2012.
It started with a simple repeated phrase around a plastic, folding table. Originally the work was going to describe the different rooms in our houses, but it quickly morphed into much more. Don’t Linger eventually became a mostly abstract work, but the gestures and phrases of the dance often say more to the viewer. The work centers on a single female soloist as she traverses movements and relationships with various other dancers. Some viewers have said that they see the sometimes sad, sometimes loving landscape of a family, with the soloist attempting, but ultimately failing, to connect with those around her. The work can also be viewed as a family or college memory brought vividly back to life in the mind of the soloist.
Here’s video from the premiere:
Don’t Linger Too Long from Winifred Haun on Vimeo.