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Blackout Tuesday

Winifred Haun

Dear Fan of WH&D,

Like you, we are horrified by the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Laquan McDonald, Philando Castile, Michael Brown, and too many others, by our nation’s police officers. We are also devastated by the unfair impact that Covid-19 has had on black and brown people.

Today is Blackout Tuesday, a day when arts organizations are protesting injustice. We strongly support this protest, so all of our activities are cancelled today, and our social media will be silent.

Systemic racism is real and it shows up in every sector of our society. Even in the arts. We practice and encourage diversity in the dance field, and we encourage you to support these awesome Chicago dance companies led by women of color:

May we form a more just and equitable world together,

Winifred Haun & Dancers

PS Tuesday, June 2’s Beginning Modern Dance class is postponed till tomorrow, Wednesday, June 3 at 6pm.



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